
A perfect way to gain more exposure for your book if you list your book on amazon. Develop a broad readership that come from all walks of life. Great for new and established authors.

IWBT Magazines come out the 1st of every month. Bi-weekly trailers come out the 1st and 15th of every month. If your book falls within these dates they can be featured. This is an additional cost

Amazon Info

2. Eligibility requirements

  • You can only add the promotion for listings on and marketplaces.
  • Title has been enrolled in KDP Select for at least 30 days.*
  • Prices of eligible titles for Kindle Countdown Deals should fall within these limits:
    • $2.99 – $24.99 (
    • £1.99 – £15.99 (, including VAT)
    • Digital list price is unchanged for 30 days before or 14 days after your Kindle Countdown Deal runs.
    • Maximum number of price increments is 5.
  • Minimum discounts are:
    • $1.00 USD on
    • £1.00 on
  • The duration of a Kindle Countdown Deal is:
    • Maximum: 7 days.
    • Minimum duration is 1 hour.
    • Duration you choose will run as a single promotion (you cannot split into multiple durations).
    • Kindle Countdown Deals must be scheduled 24 hours before your desired start date, as far in advance as you want. For example, to begin a promotion on January 10, you can schedule it any time before January 8.
  • You can run either a free promotion or a Kindle Countdown Deal.
  • Kindle Countdown Deals are limited to one per KDP Select term. The latest end time for your Kindle Countdown Deals promotion is 14 days before your KDP Select period ends. If you renew your eBook in KDP Select for another consecutive 90-day period, the latest end time for your Kindle Countdown Deal can fall on the last day of your current KDP Select period.

Note: If your book is enrolled in KDP Select, the digital format must be exclusive to Amazon during the entire enrollment period. When a book is determined not exclusive to Amazon, any scheduled Kindle Countdown Deal will be cancelled.

Your book has a list price of $4.99, and you start a promotion on Monday at 8 A.M. your time with a starting price of $1.99. You set three price increments to run 24 hours each.

  • Thursday @8:00 AM. Price Discounted to $1.99 for 24 hours
  • Friday @8:00 AM. Promotional Price Increases to $2.99 for 24 hours
  • Saturday @8:00 AM. Promotional Price Increases to $3.99 for 24 hours
  • Sunday @8:00 AM. Price Returns to Original List Price of $4.99

During each promotional day, your book’s detail page will display a counter announcing the promotion, the current price, the time remaining until the price changes, and the next price.