A Quality Digital Magazine about indie books, book services and the latest news in the book world. Get in-front of your audience today
We are a brand new E-magazine focused on putting great reads into readers hands. We also aim to be a thought leader in the industry where technology is concerned with digital books and with traditional book publishing. It’s is a great time to be a self published Indie Author. We welcome books from Indie Authors that professionally see there book as a product and a great read in one.
If you are a specialist / company in the book industry this would be a great place for your expertise to voice to an audience who loves books. We are looking for thought provoking commentary, editorials and interviews that keep our audience hungry and on there toes with what is new out there in the book world.
Articles & Various Topics can include Indie Author Spotlight, Small Press Corner, Digital Space, Industry thought leaders editorial or commentary, Book Reviews, Feature Book Professional such as Publicists, Literary Agent, Illustrator, Cover Designer, Sketch Artist, Typesetter, Book Tools Reviews, and other various book related topics.
CURRENTLY ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR DEBUT MAGAZINE FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER 2015. ALL submissions must be turned in by SEPTEMBER 20,2015. All submissions for this debut issue are FREE and on a first come approval basis. All submissions will go through our quality review for design and context.